A life of perfection is full of……Day 1

“A Life of Perfection is a Life FULL of Imperfections!”

It has taken me a long time to realise this.

How about you? Are you still striving for a life of Perfection?

I’ve decided to share my perfect life full of imperfections. I’m making a video a day for 47 days as that’s how long I have been here.

Be fab if you felt compelled to check it out each day.

And if you’d subscribe too.

Here’s Day 1….

#befree #beme #beingyou #rise #riseandshine #bewhoyoureallyare #community #newinfluence #love #peace #abundance #lawoflove #2023newvibe #designyourlife #realpeople #liveyourlife #wellness #wellbeing #lovelife #2023 #newera #oneness #surfinglife #itstime #findingyourmusic #heartsetisthenewmindset

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