Hey You Beautiful lot,

It took me a long time to hit my own authentic vibe and to share my TRUE purpose….Now this is where I am at and what I am all about.

I lived for many years in the shadow of what other people thought I should be. My family, some of my so-called friends and simply I was not me. I was living doing all I could to please others and never once considered me in the big picture. Well, I did, I was just too scared of the fall out to show what I was really all about.

How did I change?

Honestly……when it ALL went very very south and in a spectacular way! Pretty much everything I had ever represented and worked for was taken over a period of 7 years. My life became one that I had never imagined it would be and I had to stop, go within and BE-Come Clare for the very first time. Raw, real and authentic Clare. She had been wanting to break free for so very long and unconsciously I kept her hidden, she was on a leash like a wild warrior wanting to break free. I kept telling me that all I knew was the “Money Stuff” that everything else I knew was not what people, namely women wanted to hear and then when it all went as I said “spectacularly wrong,” I finally did what I had never before had the courage to do.

Women being in an Unapologetic and Authentic place, that is what my vibe has always been. Until now I never had the courage to do just that. BE ME, be the Clare I always wanted to be. I had to travel down a road that had many, many diversions before I got to where I am now.  For so many years attempted to pigeon hole myself into a money vibe alone with another business, The Money Personal Trainer and only time showed me that it was totally not what I came here to do.

The Universe always has your back if you let it…

The universe was throwing everything at me to say NOOOOO and I kept ignoring it. Then in June this year a pretty significant event happened and I finally listened. I have had as I said,  a pretty rough road over the last 7 years and the one thing it has taught me above all is, being me is what I came here for. Not anyone else’s version, Clare’s version.

I know that I am not alone in this and the big thing I kept missing was that there were personal things I needed to deal with for me to live my best and most amazing life and I kept putting them off saying once I had my business where I wanted it then I would deal with them. The universe had a very different plan! There were days when the lows were so very low, and I fell with them. Then last week, after honestly yet another personal blow, I decided to share something for me more than anyone else and the response was amazing. I gave me and anyone else who wanted to listen a Pep Talk.

So now I am back to empower a select few amazing women on a 121 basis and then in January launch my Wild Woman Tribe that is simply there to guide women on “How” to be their most amazing Wild and Unleashed selves. How to live on their terms, without limits and in their very own unique way.

We all came here to be us, and for many, myself included, we got lost along the way. I say lost, maybe that’s not the right term, we took a diverted route, as we needed to see what was on the diversion to get to where we are now.

So in preparation for the launch of the Wild Woman Tribe in January, I have started with an amazing group on FB, that is all about being your authentic self. Not from a business perspective, from a personal perspective and just doing what you need to, to fill you up and see what happens to your business as a result. It’s about heart, it’s about joy and it’s about YOU.

So that’s the first snippet I am going to share and one I hope you will be compelled to come part of. Over the coming weeks I will be doing a Vibe Up YOU Challenge I will share more about later this week, I will be sharing little tips everyday that you can use to BE-come more YOU everyday. Check me out over on my FB Page.

Introduce yourself and maybe join the group. If it’s not for you, then I bet there is a Woman you know who needs supporting to be just her right now. Please share it for me. Thanks in advance, I am grateful for your love.

Youtube love….

I am going to be sharing many more videos on my channel so you can come over and see what I am all about. Make sure to subscribe and the Vibe will be shared directly with you.

And finally, if you want this sent directly to your inbox each week (or maybe longer, I don’t do inbox hogging) then subscribe for more CTM love in your inbox.

Have an amazing day whatever you are up to and BE YOU, it’s all you ever came here to be.

Big Smiles



#ctmreelingitoff #ctmrawandreal #wildwomantribe #ctmmagnetizeyourlife #lifelessons #magnetizehappiness #beingyou #beingreal #vibewithme #accountability #tribe #vibe

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