Category: Design

At some point in all of our lives, we write love letters. Part of my journey with money been to heal the traumatic relationship that we had at one point. So I write a love letters to money, I have written many over the years. They change and evolve as I do. When we look […]
WHAT MY VIBE IS ALL ABOUT….NOW!!! Hey You Beautiful lot, It took me a long time to hit my own authentic vibe and to share my TRUE purpose….Now this is where I am at and what I am all about. I lived for many years in the shadow of what other people thought I should […]
I’m here, I ready and I’m real! Hello and so much love to you for ending up here, The Eagle has landed, the world is now a place of Truth, good old unapologetic authentic truth. I warn you, this blog is not for the light hearted and also I will share I’m going to be […]